those wise enough to receive your blessings gain enormous value in their lives. some people will be able to acknowledge this and others will not. it is up to you to decide what you do when you realize a lover, partner, friend, family member, and/or boss is blind to your blessings. it is up to you to protect your resources so that only those truly worthy receive them. not all can or should have you. not every job deserves the best of you. not every movement deserves all of your energy. not every lover deserves your devotion.
it is a long process to acknowledge your own divinity, take a moment to pause and take stock this week. how have you aligned your life to better acknowledge what you bring to the table? how have you created boundaries around the greatness that flows from you so casually far too many take it for granted? and perhaps the real question is, if you are weary, how can you pause to catch your breath and wait patiently while all of your parts catch up? reminder—wherever you are in your process is exactly where you are supposed to be.