looking back through the pictures taken my first days in LA before starting school, i can definitely tell that they are photos one would take during their first experience. the things i chose to capture and was fascinated by, are things that after living there, even for a month, i know i didn’t think twice about. but at the time it was so important to capture every detail.
i’ve been trying to come up with a daily/weekly project that I can try to do during my time back on the left coast.. i want to try to devote at least 10-30 minutes to something creative (leave it to me to try and create some kind of control over a situation that i’m supposed to be just going with the flow of) outside of the regular creative things i’ll be doing.. like perhaps i’ll leave out my paints and mix a new set of colors everyday or make mini collages or make a list of things to take a snapshot of, idk. i get bored easily so it needs to be interesting but simple.. or i’ll have to come up with a new ritual every 2-3 mos. (or weeks realistically) ha kinda defeats the whole point right?
circa october 2008
i have been a fan of photographer kari herer for a long time. although, i jsut recently discovered that she was the photographer behind the beautiful flower & antler images i had seen floating around the internet. many of herer's prints are available on her etsy here.
i was browsing my tumblr archives and came across these beautiful plant photos. i have no idea of their original sources (my biggest issue with tumblr) but they are amazing nonetheless. these would make great watercolor paintings..
i will do posts that actually mean something another day. for now, anther grouping of random images i feel look nice together.
via my tumblr
[vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/20800127 w=465&h=262]
i love photos like these. they make me long for california and camping.
beautiful photos by australian photographer, jacinta over at bawkbawkbawk.
this woman.
is fab. source.
over the past 2 weeks, i have been the absolute worst blogger ever! balancing work and life has never been one of my strong points, but i am working on it; in addition to masterminding me && my beau's big move back to los angeles.
stay tuned :)