from the waters

I’ve been quiet because I’ve been growing. 

Growing my locs that externally display my internal transformation. 

Growing another soul that I have to teach and protect alongside my sun, on this land that is rightfully and indigenously theirs.

Growing my knowledge of self so I can change the things I cannot accept and teach my children to do the same.

Growing my spirituality because I will literally bring the wrath of heaven and hell onto this earth and the power of 100,000 ancestors and all the NTRU and Orisha in me onto the next 10 generations of anyone who thinks they can touch my King or my children or anyone in my family without consequence. 𓆸𓋹 𓆣 𓆄

Growing inside because words cannot yet express the way I feel. 

Growing my plants and growing in peace because I know who we are.

Tua ntr.