Last weekend I went to the Counterpoint Music Festival near Atlanta, Georgia.
I haven't been down to GA (my hometown) in a few years so it was great to be back. The highlight of the trip was obviously getting to see Outkast perform their 3rd epic performance together in almost 10 years—the first 2 being at Coachella the weekends prior.
Other than that I didn't have time for much, although I did squeeze in a trip to Lennox and The High Museum of Art (that i ran through with about as much grace as a person stranded in the desert running towards an oasis), but overall the entire trip reminded me how much I love being from Georgia... and just HOW different it really is from North Carolina.
checkout the full lineup from the weekend here.
Please forgive my lovely iphone photos and the fact that I didn't record any of the artist's names. I'm pretty sure a google image search of any of these would pull up all of the credits. All photos taken at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta.
I realize the fact that this entire post is about the festival, but the imagery is only of the museum (which gave me a creativity boost i was starved for) because all of my festival photos are blurry crazed concert images from the center of a bagillion people — an experience I will forever remember, but rather not share here.